Right here in America there is a modern day oil & gas boom.

OilField Acronyms

  • 2D – Two dimensional (geophysics)
  • 2P – Proved and Probable Reserves
  • 3D – Three dimensional (geophysics)


  • AADE – American Association of Drilling Engineers
  • AAODC – American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (obsolete; superseded by IADC)
  • ABAN – Abandonment
  • ACOU – Acoustic
  • ACQU – Acquisition Log
  • ADROC – Advanced Rock Properties Report
  • ADT – ADT Log
  • AFE – Authorization for Expenditure, a process of submitting a business proposal to investors
  • AHBDF – Along Hole Below Derrick Floor
  • AIRG – Airgun
  • AIRRE – Airgun Report
  • AIT – Array Induction Tool
  • AL – Appraisal Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued before 1996
  • ALC – Vertical Seismic Profile Acoustic Log Calibration Report
  • ALR – Acoustic Log Report
  • AMS – Aux.iliary Measurement Service Log
  • ANACO – Analysis of Core Logs Report
  • ANARE – Analysis Report
  • AOF – Absolute Open Flow
  • AOFP – Absolute Open Flow Potential
  • APD – Application for Permit to Drill
  • API - American Petroleum Institute: both the organisation and measure of oil weight (API gravity) in ºAPI
  • APPRE – Appraisal Report
  • APS – Active Pipe Support
  • ARACL – Array Acoustic Log
  • ARESV – Analysis of Reservoir
  • ARI – Azimuthal Resistivity Image
  • ARRC – Array Acoustic Report
  • AS – Array Sonic Processing Log
  • ASI – ASI Log
  • ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • ASP – Array Sonic Processing Report
  • ASV – Annular Safety Valve
  • AV – Annular Velocity or Apparent Viscosity
  • AVO - Amplitude Versus Offset (geophysics)
  • AWB – Annulus Wing Block
  • AWO – Approval for Well Operation


  • B or b – prefix denoting a number in billions
  • bbl - barrel
  • bcf – billion cubic feet (of natural gas)
  • BDF – Below Derrick Floor
  • BDL – Bit Data Log
  • BGL – Borehole Geometry Log
  • BGL – Below ground level (used as a datum for depths in a well)
  • BGS - British Geological Survey
  • BGT – Borehole Geometry Tool
  • BGWP – Base of Group Water Protection
  • BHA – Bottom Hole Assembly (toolstring on coiled tubing or drill pipe)
  • BHC – BHC Gamma Ray Log
  • BHCA – BHC Acoustic Log
  • BHCS – BHC Sonic Log
  • BHCT – Bottomhole Circulating Temperature
  • BHL – Borehole Log
  • BHP – Bottom Hole Pressure
  • BHPRP – Borehole Pressure Report
  • BHSRE – Bottom Hole Sampling Report
  • BHSS – Borehole Seismic Survey
  • BHTV – Borehole Television Report
  • BINXQ – Bond Index Quicklook Log
  • BIOR – Biostratigraphic Range Log
  • BIORE – Biostratigraphy Study Report
  • BIVDL – BI/DK/WF/Casing Collar Locator/Gamma Ray Log
  • BO – Back Off Log
  • boe – barrel(s) of oil equivalent
  • boed – barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day
  • boepd – barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day
  • BOM – Bill of Materials
  • BOP - Blowout preventer
  • bopd – barrel(s) of oil per day
  • BOREH – Borehole Seismic Analysis
  • BOTHL – Bottom Hole Locator Log
  • BOTTO – Bottom Hole Pressure/Temperature Report
  • bpd - barrels per day
  • BPFL – Borehole Profile Log
  • BPLUG – Baker Plug
  • BPV – Back Pressure Valve (goes on the end of coiled tubing a drill pipe tool strings to prevent fluid flow in the wrong direction)
  • BQL – B/QL Log
  • BRPLG – Bridge Plug Log
  • BRT – Below Rotary Table (used as a datum for depths in a well)
  • BS&W – Basic Sediments and Water
  • BTHL – Bottom Hole Log
  • BTU - British Thermal Units
  • BUR – Build-Up Rate
  • bwd – barrels of water per day (often used in reference to oil production)
  • bwpd – barrels of water per day


  • C&E – Well completion and equipment cost
  • C&S – Cased and Suspended
  • C1 - Methane
  • C2 - Ethane
  • C3 - Propane
  • C4 - Butane
  • C6 - Hexanes
  • C7+ – Heavy Hydrocarbon Components
  • CA – Core Analysis Log
  • CALIL – Caliper Log
  • CALOG – Circumferential Acoustic Log
  • CALVE – Calibrated Velocity Log Data
  • CAPP - Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
  • CAS – Casing Log
  • CB – Core Barrel
  • CBIL – CBIL Log
  • CBL – Cement Bond Log (measurement of casing cement integrity)
  • CBM – Choke Bridge Module – XT Choke
  • CBM – Conventional Buoy Mooring
  • CCHT – Core Chart Log
  • CCL – Casing Collar Locator (in perforation or completion operations, the tool provides depths by correlation of the casing string’s magnetic anomaly with known casaing features)
  • CCLP – Casing Collar Locator Perforation
  • CCLTP – Casing Collar Locator Through Tubing Plug
  • CD – Core Description
  • CDATA – Core Data
  • CDIS – CDI Synthetic Seismic Log
  • CDU – Control Distribution Unit
  • CDP – Common Depth Point (geophysics)
  • CDP – Comprehensive Drilling Plan
  • CDRCL – Compensated Dual Resistivity Cal. Log
  • CE – CE Log
  • CERE – Cement Remedial Log
  • CECAN – CEC Analysis
  • CEME – Cement Evaluation
  • CET – Cement Evaluation Tool
  • CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • CGEL – CG EL Log
  • CGL – Core Gamma Log
  • CGPH – Core Graph Log
  • CGR – Condensate gas ratio
  • CGTL – Compact Gas to liquids (production equipment small enough to fit on a ship)
  • CIMV – Chemical Injection Metering Valve
  • CHCNC – CHCNC Gamma Ray Casing Collar Locator
  • CHDTP – Caliper HDT Playback Log
  • CHECK – Checkshot and Acoustic Calibration Report
  • CHKSR – Checkshot Survey Report
  • CHKSS – Checkshot Survey Log
  • CHP – Casing Hanger Pressure (pressure in an annulus as measured at the casing hanger)
  • CHROM – Chromatolog
  • CILD – Conduction Log
  • CITHP – Closed In Tubing Head Pressure (tubing head pressure when the well is shut in)
  • CIV - Chemical Injection Valve
  • CL – Core Log
  • CLG – Core Log and Graph
  • CM – Choke Module
  • CMP – Common Midpoint (geophysics)
  • CMR – CMR Log
  • CND – Compensated Neutron Density
  • CNFDP – CNFD True Vertical Depth Playback Log
  • CNGR – Compensated Neutron Gamma Ray Log
  • CNL – Compensated Neutron Log
  • CNS – Central North Sea
  • COL – Collar Log
  • COMAN – Compositional Analysis
  • COML – Compaction Log
  • COMP – Composite Log
  • COMPR – Completion Program Report
  • COMPU – Computest Report
  • COMRE – Completion Record Log
  • CONDE – Condensate Analysis Report
  • CONDR – Continuous Directional Log
  • CORAN – Core Analysis Report
  • CORE – Core Report
  • CORG – Corgun Log
  • CORIB – Coriband Log
  • CORLG – Correlation Log
  • COROR – Core Orientation Report
  • COXY - Carbon/Oxygen Log
  • CPI – CPI Log
  • CPICB – CPI Coriband Log
  • CPIRE – CPI Report
  • CRET – Cement Retainer Setting Log
  • CsF – Caesium Formate (coincidentally also an acronym of the sole large-scale supplier of caesium formate brine, Cabot Specialty Fluids.)
  • csg – casing
  • CSHN – Cased Hole Neutron Log
  • CSI – CSI Log
  • CSMT – Core Sampler Tester Log
  • CSPG - Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
  • CST – CST Log
  • CSTAK – Core Sample Taken Log
  • CSTRE – CST Report
  • CSUG - Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas
  • CT - Coiled Tubing
  • CTD – Coiled Tubing Drilling
  • CTCO – Coiled Tubing Clean Out
  • CTRAC – Cement Tracer Log
  • CUT – Cutter Log
  • CUTTD – Cuttings Description Report
  • CWOR- Completion Work Over Riser
  • CYBD – Cyberbond Log
  • CYBLK – Cyberlook Log
  • CYDIP – Cyberdip Log
  • CYDN – Cyberdon Log
  • CYPRO – Cyberproducts Log


  • D&C – Drilling and Completions
  • DAC – Dipole Acoustic Log
  • DARCI – Darci Log
  • DAZD – Dip and Azimuth Display
  • DC – Drill Collar(s)
  • DCALI – Dual Caliper Log
  • DD – Directional Driller or Directional Drilling
  • DDBHC – DDBHC Waveform Log
  • DDET – Depth Determination Log
  • DDM – Derrick Drilling Machine (a.k.a. Top Drive)
  • DDNL – Dual Det. Neutron Life Log
  • DDPT – Drill Data Plot Log
  • DECC - Department for Energy and Climate Change (United Kingdom)
  • DECT – Decay Time
  • DEFSU – Definitive Survey Report
  • DELTA – Delta-T Log
  • DEN - Density Log
  • DEPAN – Deposit Analysis Report
  • DEPC – Depth Control Log
  • DESFL – Deep Induction SFL Log
  • DEV – Development Well, Lahee classification
  • DEVLG – Deviation Log
  • DEXP – D-Exponent Log
  • DF - Derrick Floor
  • DFR – Drilling Factual Report
  • DH – Drilling History
  • DHC – Depositional History Curve
  • DHSV - Downhole Safety Valve
  • DHPTT – Downhole Pressure/Temperature Transducer
  • DIEGR – Dielectric Gamma Ray Log
  • DIL – Dual Induction Log
  • DILB – Dual Induction BHC Log
  • DILL – Dual Induction Laterolog
  • DILLS – Dual Induction Log-LSS
  • DILSL – Dual Induction Log-SLS
  • DIM – Directional Inertia Mechanism
  • DINT – Dip Interpretation
  • DIP – Dipmeter Log
  • DIPAR – Dipole Acoustic Report
  • DIPBH – Dipmeter Borehole Log
  • DIPFT – Dipmeter Fast Log
  • DIPLP – Dip Lithology Pressure Log
  • DIPRE – Dipmeter Report
  • DIPRM – Dip Removal Log
  • DIPSA – Dipmeter Soda Log
  • DIPSK – Dipmeter Stick Log
  • DIRS – Directional Survey Log
  • DIRSU – Directional Survey Report
  • DIS – DIS-SLS Log
  • DISFL – DISFL DBHC Gamma Ray Log
  • DISO – Dual Induction Sonic Log
  • DL – Development Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued before 1996
  • DLIST – Dip List Log
  • DLL – Dual Laterolog
  • DLS – Dog-Leg Severity (directional drilling)
  • DNHO – Downhole Logging
  • DOE - Department of EnergyUnited States
  • DOWRE – Downhole Report
  • DP - Drill Pipe
  • DPDV – Dynamically-Positioned Drilling Vessel
  • DPL – Dual Propagation Log
  • DPLD – Differential Pressure Levitated Device (or Vehicle)
  • DPRES – Dual Propagation Resistivity Log
  • DPT – Deeper Pool Test, Lahee classification
  • DQLC – Dipmeter Quality Control Log
  • DR – Dummy Run Log
  • DR – Drilling Report
  • DRI – Drift Log
  • DRLCT – Drilling Chart
  • DRLOG – Drilling Log
  • DRLPR – Drilling Proposal/Prog. Report
  • DRPG – Drilling Program Report
  • DRPRS – Drilling Pressure
  • DRREP – Drilling Report
  • DRYRE – Drying Report
  • DS – Deviation Survey
  • DSCAN – DSC Analysis Report
  • DSI – Dipole Shear Imager
  • DSPT – Cross Plots Log
  • DST – Drill Stem Test
  • DSTG – DSTG Log
  • DSTL – Drill Stem Test Log
  • DSTND – Dual Space Thermal Neutron Density Log
  • DSTPB – Drill Stem Test True Vertical Depth Playback Log
  • DSTR – Drill Stem Test Report
  • DSTRE – Drill Stem Test Report
  • DSTSM – Drill Stem Test Summary Report
  • DSTW – Drill Stem Test Job Report/Works
  • DSV - Diving Support Vessel or Drilling Supervisor
  • DTI - Department of Trade and Industry (United Kingdom) (obsolete; superseded by dBERR, which was then superseded by DECC)
  • DTPB – CNT True Vertical Depth Playback Log
  • DTT – Depth To Time
  • DWOP – Drilling Well on Paper (a theoretical exercise conducted involving the Service provider managers)
  • DWQL – Dual Water Quicklook Log
  • DWSS – Dig Well Seismic Surface Log
  • DXC – DXC Pressure Pilot Report


  • E&A – Exploration and Appraisal
  • E&P – Exploration and Production
  • ECD – Equivalent Circulating Density
  • ECP – External Casing Packer
  • ECRD – Electrically Controlled Release Tool
  • EDP – Exploration Drilling Program Report
  • EDP – Emergency Disconnect Package
  • EFR – Engineering Factual Report
  • EGMBE – Ethylene Glycol Mono-Butyl Ether
  • ELT – Economic Limit Test
  • EL – Electric Log
  • EM – EMOP Log
  • EMOP – EMOP Well Site Processing Log
  • EMP – Electromagnetic Propagation Log
  • EN PI – Enhanced Productivity Index Log
  • ENG – Engineering Log
  • ENGF – Engineer Factual Report
  • ENGPD – Engineering Porosity Data
  • ENJ – Enerjet Log
  • EOFL – End of Field Life
  • EOR – Enhanced Oil Recovery
  • EOW – End Of Well Report
  • EPCU – Electrical Power Conditioning Unit
  • EPIDORIS – Exploration and Production Integrated Drilling Operations and Reservoir Information System
  • EPL – EPL Log
  • EPLG – Epilog
  • EPT – EPT Log
  • ER(D) – Extended Reach (Drilling)
  • ESD – Emergency Shut-Down
  • ESP - Electric Submersible Pump
  • ETAP - Eastern Trough Area Project
  • ETTD – Electromagnetic Thickness Test
  • EVARE – Evaluation Report
  • EWR – End Of Well Report
  • EXL – or XL, Exploration Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued between the First Onshore Licensing Round (1986) and the Sixth (1992)
  • EZSV – EZSV Log


  • FAC – Factual Report
  • FACHV – Four Arm Caliper Log
  • FANAL – Formation Analysis Sheet Log
  • FC – Float Collar
  • FCP – Final circulating pressure
  • FCVE – F Curve Log
  • FDC – Formation Density Log
  • FDP – Field Development Plan
  • FDS – Functional Design Specification
  • FEED - Front End Engineering and Design
  • FEWD – Formation Evaluation While Drilling
  • FFAC – Formation Factor Log
  • FFM – Full Field Model
  • FGEOL – Final Geological Report
  • FH – Full Hole tool joint
  • FID – Final Investment Decision
  • FIL – FIL Log
  • FINST – Final Stratigraphic Report
  • FINTP – Formation Interpretation
  • FIT – Formation Integrity Test
  • FIV - Formation Isolation Valve
  • FL – F Log
  • FLIV – FlowLine Injection Valve
  • FLIV – Flowline Isolation Valve
  • FLOPR – Flow Profile Report
  • FLOT - Flying Lead Orientation Tool
  • FLOW – Flow & Buildup Test Report
  • FLS – Fluid Sample
  • flt - Fault (geology)
  • FMECA – Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis
  • FMI – Formation Microimager Log
  • FMP – Formation Microscan Report
  • FMS – Formation Multiscan Log
  • FMTAN – FMT Analysis Report
  • FOSV – Full Opening Safety Valve
  • FPIT – Free Point Indicator Tool
  • FPL – Flow Analysis Log
  • FPLAN – Field Plan Log
  • FPSO - Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel
  • FPU – Floating Processing Unit
  • FRA – Fracture Log
  • FRARE – Fracture Report
  • FRES – Final Reserve Report
  • FS – Fail Safe (as in FS valve)
  • FSO – Floating Storage Offloading vessel
  • FT – Formation Tester Log
  • FTRE – Formation Testing Report
  • FULDI – Full Diameter Study Report
  • FV – Funnel Viscosity or Float Valve
  • FWL – Free water level
  • FWR – Final Well Report
  • FWV – Flow Wing Valve (also known as Production Wing Valve on a Xmas tree)


  • G/C - Gas Condensate
  • GAS – Gas Log
  • GASAN – Gas Analysis Report
  • GBS – Gravity Based Structure
  • GBT – Gravity Base Tank
  • GCLOG – Graphic Core Log
  • GCT – GCT Log
  • GDIP – Geodip Log
  • GE – Condensate gas equivalent
  • GEOCH – Geochemical Evaluation
  • GEOEV – Geochemical Evaluation Report
  • GEOFO – Geological & Formation Evaluation Report
  • GEOL – Geological Surveillance Log
  • GEOP – Geophone Data Log
  • GEOPN – Geological Well Prognosis Report
  • GEOPR – Geological Operations Prog. Report
  • GEORE – Geological Report
  • GGRG – Gauge Ring
  • GIIP – Gas Initially In Place
  • GIS - Geographic Information System(s)
  • GL – Gas Lift
  • GLM – Gas Lift Mandrel (alternative name for Side Pocket Mandrel)
  • GLR – Gas Liquid Ratio
  • GLT – GLT Log
  • GLV – Gas Lift Valve
  • GOC – Gas Oil Contact
  • GOM - Gulf of Mexico
  • GOP – Geological Operations Report
  • GOR - Gas Oil Ratio
  • GOSP – Gas/Oil Separation Plant
  • GPIT – Inclinometry Tool Log
  • GPLT – Geol Plot Log
  • GPSL – Geo Pressure Log
  • GRAD – Gradiometer Log
  • GRLOG – Grapholog
  • GRN – Gamma Ray Neutron Log
  • GRV – Gross Rock Volume
  • GRSVY – Gradient Survey Log
  • GST – GST Log
  • GTL - Gas to liquids
  • GTW – Gas To Wire
  • GUN – Gun Set Log
  • GWREP – Geo Well Report


  • HAZID – Hazard Identification (meeting)
  • HC - Hydrocarbons
  • HCCS – Horizontal Clamp Connection System
  • HDT – High Resolution Dipmeter Log
  • HEXT – Hex Diplog
  • HGS – High (specific-)Gravity Solids
  • HL – Hook Load
  • HP – Hydrostatic Pressure
  • HPGAG – High Pressure Gauge
  • HPHT – High Pressure High Temperature (same as HTHP)
  • HPPS – HP Pressure Log
  • HSE – Health, Safety and Environment or Health & Safety Executive (United Kingdom)
  • HTHP – High Temperature High Pressure (same as HPHT)
  • HVDC – High Voltage Direct Current
  • HWDP – Heavy-Weight Drill Pipe (sometimes spelled Hevi-Wate)
  • HUD – Hold Up Depth
  • HWDP – Heavy Weight Drill Pipe
  • HYPJ – Hyperjet
  • HYROP – Hydrophone Log


  • I:P – Injector To Producer Ratio
  • IADC - International Association of Drilling Contractors
  • IBC – Intermediate Bulk Container
  • ICoTA – Intervention and Coiled Tubing Association
  • ICV – Interval Control Valve
  • ID – Inner or Internal Diameter (of a tubular component such as a casing)
  • IDC – Intangible Drilling Costs
  • IDEL – IDEL Log
  • IEB – Induction Electro BHC Log
  • IEL – Induction Electrical Log
  • IF – Internal Flush tool joint
  • IH – Gamma Ray Log
  • IJL – Injection Log
  • IL – Induction Log
  • ILOGS – Image Logs
  • IMAG – Image Analysis Report
  • INCR – Incline Report
  • INCRE – Incline Report
  • INDRS – IND RES Sonic Log
  • INDT – INDT Log
  • INDWE – Individual Well Record Report
  • INJEC – Injection Falloff Log
  • INSUR – Inrun Survey Report
  • INVES – Investigative Program Report
  • IOC – International Oil Company
  • IPAA - Independent Petroleum Association of America
  • IPC – Installed Production Capacity
  • IPLS – IPLS Log
  • IPR – Inflow Performance Relationship
  • IR – Interpretation Report
  • IRTJ – IRTJ Gamma Ray Slimhole Log
  • ISF – ISF Sonic Log
  • ISFCD – ISF Conductivity Log
  • ISFGR – ISF GR Casing Collar Locator Log
  • ISFP – ISF Sonic True Vertical Depth Playback Log
  • ISFPB – ISF True Vertical Depth Playback Log
  • ITS – Influx To Surface
  • IWCF - International Well Control Federation
  • IWOCS- Installation / Workover Control System



  • KOP – Kick-Off Point (directional drilling)
  • KOP – Kick Off Plug
  • KRP – Kill rate pressure
  • KB - Kelly Bushing


  • LACT – Lease Automatic Custody Transfer
  • LAT – Lowest Astronomical Tide
  • LCM – Lost Circulation Material
  • LCNLG – LDT CNL Gamma Ray Log
  • LDL – Litho Density Log
  • LDTEP – LDT EPT Gamma Ray Log
  • LEAKL – Leak Detection Log
  • LEPRE – Litho-Elastic Property Report
  • LGR – Liquid Gas Ratio
  • LGS – Low (specific-)Gravity Solids
  • LINCO – Liner and Completion Prog. Report
  • LIOG – Lithography Log
  • LITDE – Litho Density Quicklook Log
  • LITHR – Lithological Description Report
  • LITRE – Lithostratigraphy Report
  • LITST – Lithostratigraphic Log
  • LKO – Lowest Known Oil
  • LL – Laterolog
  • LMAP – Location Map
  • LMRP - Lower Marine Riser Package
  • LMV – Lower Master Valve (on a Xmas tree)
  • LNG - Liquified Natural Gas
  • LOE – Lease Operating Expenses
  • LOGGN – Logging Whilst Drilling
  • LOGRS – Log Restoration Report
  • LOGSM – Log Sample
  • LOLER – Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
  • LOT – Leak-Off Test
  • LOT – Linear Override Tool
  • LOT – Lock Open Tool
  • LP – Low Pressure
  • LSBGR – Long Spacing BHC GR Log
  • LSSON – Long Spacing Sonic Log
  • LT – Linear Time
  • LUMI – Luminescence Log
  • LVEL – Linear Velocity Log
  • LWD – Logging While Drilling


  • M or m – prefix designating a number in thousands (not to be confused with SI prefix M for mega- or m for milli)
  • MAASP – Maximum Acceptable [or Allowable] Annular Shut-in Pressure
  • MAC – Multipole Acoustic Log
  • MACL – Multiarm Caliper Log
  • MAGST – Magnetostratigraphic Report
  • MARA – Maralog
  • MAWP – Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
  • mbd – thousand barrels per day
  • mbod – thousand barrels of oil per day
  • MCM – Manifold Choke Module
  • MCS – Manifold & Connection System
  • MCS – Master Control Station
  • mD - millidarcy, measure of permeability, with units of area
  • MD – Measured Depth (see also MDSS)
  • MD – Measurements/Drilling Log
  • MDL - Methane Drainage Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence allowing natural gas to be collected “in the course of operations for making and keeping safe mines whether or not disused”
  • MDSS – Measured Depth Sub-Sea
  • MDT - Modular formation Dynamic Tester
  • MEG – Mono Ethylene Glycol
  • MEPRL – Mechanical Properties Log
  • MERCR – Mercury Injection Study Report
  • MERG – Merge FDC/CNL/Gamma Ray/Dual Laterolog/Micro SFL Log
  • MEST – MEST Log
  • MF – Marsh Funnel (mud viscosity)
  • MFCT – Multifinger Caliper Tool
  • MGL – Magnelog
  • MIFR – Mini Frac Log
  • MINL – Minilog
  • MIPAL – Micropalaeo Log
  • MIYP – maximum internal yield pressure
  • mKB – Meters below Kelly Bushing
  • ML – Microlog
  • MLL – Microlaterolog
  • MM or mm – prefix designating a number in millions (not to be confused with SI unit mm for millimetre)
  • mmbd – million barrels per day
  • mmbod – million barrels of oil per day
  • MMS - Minerals Management Service, (United States)
  • mmscfd – million standard cubic feet per day
  • mmstb – million stock barrels
  • MNP – Merge and Playback Log
  • MODU – Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
  • MOPU – Mobile Offshore Production Unit
  • MPA – Micropalaeo Analysis Report
  • MPD – Managed Pressure Drilling
  • MPFM – Multi-Phase Flow Meter
  • MPK – Merged Playback Log
  • MPS – Manufacturing Procedure Specification
  • MQC – Multi Quick Connection Plate
  • MR – Marine Riser
  • MRCV – Multi Reverse Circulating Valve
  • MRIRE – Magnetic Resonance Image Report
  • MSCT – MSCT Gamma Ray Log
  • MSFL – Micro SFL Log
  • MSL – Mean sea level
  • MSL – Micro Spherical Log
  • MSS – Magnetic Single Shot
  • MST – MST EXP Resistivity Log
  • MTT – MTT Multi-Isotope Trace Tool
  • MUD – Mud Log
  • MUDT – Mud Temperatire Log
  • MuSol – Mutual Solvent
  • MVB – Master Valve Block
  • MWD - Measurement While Drilling
  • MWDRE - Measurement While Drilling Report


  • NACE - National Association of Corrosion Engineers
  • NAPF – Non Aqueous Phase Fluid
  • NASA – Non Active Side Arm (term used in the North Sea for kill wing valve on a Xmas tree)
  • NAVIG – Navigational Log
  • NB – Nominal Bore
  • NEUT – Neutron Lhttp://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_oil_field_acronyms&action=edit&section=15og
  • NFI – No Further Investment
  • NFW – New Field Wildcat, Lahee classification
  • NGDC – National Geoscience Data Centre (United Kingdom)
  • NGL – Natural Gas Liquids
  • NGR – Natural Gamma Ray
  • NGRC – National Geological Records Centre (United Kingdom)
  • NGS – NGS Log
  • NGSS – NGS Spectro Log
  • NGT – NGT Log
  • NGLQT – NGT QL Log
  • NGTR – NGT Ratio Log
  • NHDA – National Hydrocarbons Data Archive (United Kingdom)
  • NHPV – Net Hydrocarbon Pore Volume
  • NNS – Northern North Sea
  • NOISL – Noise Log
  • NOC - National Oil Company
  • NPD - Norwegian Petroleum DirectorateNorway
  • NPS – Nominal Pipe Size (sometimes NS)
  • NPSH – Net Positive Suction Head
  • NPV – Net Present Value
  • NRV – Non Return Valve (Chicksan valve that only allows flow in one direction)
  • NPW – New Pool Wildcat, Lahee classification
  • NS - North Sea
  • NTHF – Non-Toxic High Flash
  • NTU – Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
  • NUMAR – Magnetic Resonance Image Log


  • O&G – Oil and Gas (referring to the industry or the companies in it)
  • OBDTL – OBDT Log
  • OBEVA – OBDT Evaluation Report
  • OBM – Oil-Based Mud
  • OCL – Quality Control Log
  • OCTG – Oil Country Tubular Goods
  • OD – Outer Diameter (of a tubular component such as casing)
  • ODT – Oil Down To
  • OFST – Offset Vertical Seismic Profile
  • OH – Openhole Log
  • OIM - Offshore Installation Manager
  • OMRL – OMRL Log
  • OOE – Offshore Operation Engineer (senior technical authority on an offshore oil platform)
  • OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
  • OPL – Operations Log
  • OPRES – Overpressure Log
  • OPS – Operations Report
  • ORICO – Oriented Core Data Report
  • OTL – Operations Team Leader
  • OWC – Oil Water Contact
  • OT – Off Tree
  • OUT – Outpost, Lahee classification
  • OVCH – Oversize Charts
  • OBCS- Ocean Bottom Cable System


  • P&A – plugged and abandoned (of a well)
  • PEA – Palaeo Environment Study Report
  • PAL – Palaeo Chart
  • PALYN - Palynological Analysis Report
  • PAR – Pre-Assembled Rack
  • PAU – Pre-Assembled Unit
  • PBDMS – Playback DMSLS Log
  • PBR – Polished Bore Receptacle (component of a completion string)
  • PBTD – Plug Back Total Depth
  • PBU – Pressure Build Up (applies to integrity testing on valves)
  • PCCL – Perforation Casing Collar Locator Log
  • PCDM – Power and Control Distribution Module
  • PCKR – Packer Log
  • PCOLL – Perforation and Collar
  • PDC – Perforation Depth Control
  • PDC – Polycrystalline Diamond Composite (a type of drilling bit)
  • PDG – Permanent Downhole Gauge
  • PDKL – PDK Log
  • PDKR – PDK 100 Report
  • PDP – Proved Developed Reserves
  • PE – Petroleum Engineer
  • PEDL - Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence (United Kingdom), introduced in the 8th Onshore Licensing Round
  • PENL – Penetration Log
  • PEP – PEP Log
  • PERDC – Perforation Depth Control
  • PERFO – Perforation Log
  • PERM – Permeability
  • PERML – Permeability Log
  • PESBG - Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain
  • PETA – Petrographical Analysis Report
  • PETD – Petrographic Data Log
  • PETLG – Petrophysical Evaluation Log
  • PETPM - Petrography Permeametry Report
  • PETRP – Petrophysical Evaluation Report
  • PLET – Pipeline End Termination
  • PFC – PFC Log
  • PFPG – Perforation Plug Log
  • PFREC – Perforation Record Log
  • PG – Pressure Gauge (Report)
  • PGB – Permanent Guide Base
  • PGOR – Produced Gas Oil Ratio
  • PH – Phasor Log
  • PHASE – Phasor Processing Log
  • PHOL – Photon Log
  • PHYFM – Physical Formation Log
  • PI – Productivity Index
  • PINTL – Production Interpretation
  • PL – Production Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued before 1996
  • PLG – Plug Log
  • PLS – Position Location System
  • PLT - Production Logging Tool
  • PLTQ - Production Logging Tool Quicklook Log
  • PLTRE - Production Logging Tool Report
  • POBM – Pseudo-Oil-Based Mud
  • POOH – Pull Out Of Hole
  • PON – Petroleum Operations Notice (United Kingdom)
  • POR – Density Porosity Log
  • POSFR – Post Fracture Report
  • POSTW – Post Well Appraisal Report
  • POSWE – Post Well Summary Report
  • PP – DXC Pressure Plot Log
  • ppcf – Pounds Per Cubic Foot
  • ppg – Pounds Per Gallon
  • PPI – Post Production Inspection/Intervention
  • PPI – Post Pipelay Installation
  • pptf – Pounds (per square inch) Per Thousand Feet (of depth) – a unit of fluid density/pressure peculiar to Shell
  • PPS – Production Packer Setting
  • PRA – Production Reporting & Allocation
  • PREC – Perforation Record
  • PRESS – Pressure Report
  • PROD – Production Log
  • PROTE – Production Test Report
  • PROX – Proximity Log
  • PRSRE – Pressure Gauge Report
  • PSANA – Pressure Analysis
  • PSA – Production Sharing Agreement
  • PSC – Production Sharing Contract
  • PSIA – Pounds Per Square Inch Atmospheric
  • PSIG – Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge
  • PSL – Product Specification Level
  • PSLOG – Pressure Log
  • PSP – pseudostatic spontaneous potential
  • PSPL – PSP Leak Detection Log
  • PSQ – Plug Squeeze Log
  • PST – PST Log
  • PSVAL – Pressure Evaluation Log
  • PTS – Pipeline Termination Structure
  • PTSET – Production Test Setter
  • PTTC – Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, United States
  • PUD – Proved Undeveloped Reserves
  • PUN – Puncher Log
  • PUR – Plant Upset Report
  • PUWER – Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
  • PV – Plastic Viscosity
  • PVT – Pressure Volume Temperature
  • PVTRE – Pressure Volume Temperature Report
  • PW – Produced Water
  • PWB – Production Wing Block
  • PWRI – Produced Water Re-Injection
  • PWV – Production Wing Valve (also known as a flow wing valve on a Xmas tree)
  • PSD – Planned Shut-Down
  • PMV – Production Master Valve


  • QC – Quality control
  • QCR – Quality Control Report
  • QL – Quicklook Log


  • RAC – Ratio Curves
  • RAWS – Raw Stacks VSP Log
  • RBP – Retrievable Bridge Plug
  • RCKST – Rig Checkshot
  • RCD – Rotating Control Device
  • RCL – Retainer Correlation Log
  • RCR – Remote Component Replacement(Tool)
  • RE – Reservoir Engineer
  • REOR – Reorientation Log
  • RE-PE – Re-Perforation Report
  • RESAN – Reservoir Analysis
  • RESEV – Reservoir Evaluation
  • RESFL – Reservoir Fluid
  • RESI – Resistivity Log
  • RESL – Reservoir Log
  • RESOI – Residual Oil
  • REZ – Renewable Energy Zone (United Kingdom)
  • RF – Recovery Factor
  • RFMTS - Repeat Formation Tester
  • RFSU – Ready For Start-Up
  • RFT - Repeat Formation Tester
  • RFTRE - Repeat Formation Tester Report
  • RFTS - Repeat Formation Tester Sample
  • RIGMO – Rig Move
  • RIH – Run In Hole
  • RITT – Riser Insertion Tube (Tool) [1]
  • RKB – Rotary Kelly Bushing (a datum for measuring depth in an oil well)
  • RLOF – Rock Loadout Facility
  • RMLC – Request for Mineral Land Clearance
  • RMS – Ratcheting Mule Shoe
  • RNT – RNT Log
  • ROCT – Rotary Coring Tool
  • ROP – Rate of Penetration
  • ROV – Remotely Operated Vehicle, used for subsea construction and maintenance
  • ROWS – Remote Operator Workstation
  • RPCM – Ring Pair Corrosion Monitoring
  • RROCK – Routine Rock Properties Report
  • RSS – Rig Site Survey
  • RST – RST Log
  • RTTS – Retrievable Test-Treat-Squeeze (packer)
  • RWD – RWD Log


  • SAGD – Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
  • SALM – Single Anchor Loading Mooring
  • SAML – Sample Log
  • SAMTK – Sample Taker Log
  • SANDA – Sandstone Analysis Log
  • SAT – SAT Log
  • SB – SIT-BO Log
  • SBF – Synthetic Base Fluid
  • SBM – Synthetic Base Mud
  • SBT – Segmented Bond Tool
  • SC – Seismic Calibration
  • SCAL - Special core analysis
  • SCAP – Scallops Log
  • SCDES – Sidewall Core Description
  • scf – standard cubic feet (of natural gas)
  • SCHLL - Schlumberger Log also SCHLO, SCHLU
  • SCM – Subsea Control Module
  • SCO - Synthetic Crude Oil
  • SCRS – Sidewall Cores
  • SCSSSV – Surface Controlled Sub Surface Safety Valve
  • SD – Sonic Density
  • SDFN – Shut Down For Night
  • SDIC – Sonic Dual Induction
  • SDL – Supplier Document List
  • SDPBH – SDP Bottom Hole Pressure Report
  • SDT – Step Draw-down Test (sometimes SDDT)
  • SDU – Subsea Distribution Unit
  • SEA – Strategic Environmental Assessment (United Kingdom)
  • SECGU – Section Gauge Log
  • SEDHI – Sedimentary History
  • SEDIM – Sedimentology
  • SEDL – Sedimentology Log
  • SEDRE – Sedimentology REport
  • SEM – Subsea Electronics Module
  • Semi (or Semi-Sub) – Semi-Submersible Drilling Rig
  • SEPAR – Separator Sampling Report
  • SEQSU – Sequential Survey
  • SG – Static Gradient
  • SGUN – Squeeze Gun
  • SHA – Sensor Harness Assembly
  • SHDT – SHDT Log
  • SHO – Stab and Hinge Over
  • SHOCK – Shcok Log
  • SHOWL – Show Log
  • SI/TA – Shut In/Temporarily Abandoned
  • SICP – Shut-In Casing Pressure
  • SIDPP – Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure
  • SIDSM – Sidewall Sample
  • SIP – Shut In Pressure
  • SIPES – Soceity of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, United States
  • SIT – System Integration Test
  • SITHP – Shut In Tubing Hanger Pressure (another term for CITHP)
  • SITT – Single TT Log
  • SKPLT – Stick Plot Log
  • SL – Seismic Lines
  • SLS – SLS GR Log
  • SLT – SLT GR Log
  • SMLS – Seamless Pipe
  • SNP – Sidewall Neutron Porosity
  • SNS – Southern North Sea
  • SONCB – Sonic Calibration Log
  • SONRE – Sonic Calibration Report
  • SONWR – Sonic Waveform Report
  • SONWV – Sonic Waveform Log
  • SP - Shot point (geophysics)
  • SP – Spontaneous Potential (Well Log)
  • SPCAN - Special core analysis
  • SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • SPEAN – Spectral Analysis
  • SPEL – Spectralog
  • SPFM – Single Phase Flow Meter
  • SPH – SPH Log
  • SPM - Side Pocket Mandrel or Strokes Per Minute (of a positive-displacement pump)
  • SPOP – Spontaneous Potential Log
  • SPP – Stand Pipe Pressure
  • SPROF – Seismic Profile
  • SPT – Shallower Pool Test, Lahee classification
  • SQL – Siesmic Quicklook Log
  • SREC – Seismic Record Log
  • SRT – Site Receival Test
  • SS – Subsea, as in a datum of depth, e.g. TVDSS (true vertical depth subsea)
  • SSG – Sidewall Sample Gun
  • SSMAR – Synthetic Seismic Marine Log
  • SSPLR - Subsea Pig Launcher/Receiver
  • SSSL – Supplementary Seismic Survey Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence
  • SSSV - Sub-Surface Safety Valve
  • SSTT - Subsea Test Tree
  • SSV – Surface Safety Valve
  • stab – Stabiliser
  • STAGR – Static Gradient Survey Report
  • stb – stock tank barrel
  • STC – STC Log
  • STGL – Stratigraphic Log
  • STIMU – Stimulation Report
  • STKPT – Stuck Point
  • STL – STL Gamma Ray Log
  • STRAT - Stratigraphy, stratigraphic
  • STRRE - Stratigraphy Report
  • STOIIP – Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
  • STOP – Safety Training Observation Program
  • STSH – String Shot
  • SUML – Summarised Log
  • SUMRE – Summary Report
  • SUMST – Geological Summary Sheet
  • SURFR – Surface Sampling Report
  • SURRE – Survey Report
  • SURVL – Survey Chart Log
  • SUT(A/B) – Subsea Umbilical Termination (Assembly/Box)
  • SWE – Senior Well Engineer
  • SV – Sleeve Valve
  • SYNRE – Synthetic Seismic Report
  • SYSEI – Synthetic Seismogram Log


  • TAGOGR – Thermally Assisted Gas/Oil Gravity Drainage
  • TAPLI – Tape Listing
  • TAPVE – Tape Verification
  • TAR – True Amplitude Recovery
  • TB – Tubing Puncher Log
  • TBT – Through Bore Tree
  • TCI – Tunsgten Carbide Insert (a type of rollercone drillbit)
  • TCPD – Tubing-Conveyed Perforating Depth
  • TD – Target Depth
  • TD – Total Depth (depth of the end of the well; also a verb, to reach the final depth, used as an acronym in this case)
  • TDS – Top Drive System
  • TDT – TDT Log
  • TDT GR – TDT Gamma Ray Casing Collar Locator Log
  • TELER – Teledrift Report
  • TEMP- Temperature Log
  • TFL – Through Flow Line
  • TGB – Temporary Guide Base
  • TGOR – Total Gas Oil Ratio (GOR uncorrected for gas lift gas present in the production fluid)
  • THERM – Thermometer Log
  • THP – Tubing Hanger Pressure (pressure in the production tubing as measured at the tubing hanger)
  • TIE – Tie In Log
  • TIEBK – Tieback Report
  • TLOG – Technical Log
  • TMCM – Tranverse Mercator Central Meridian
  • TNDT – Thermal Neutron Decay Time
  • TNDTG – Thermal Neutron Decay Time/Gamma Ray Log
  • TOC – Top Of Cement
  • TOC – Total Organic Content
  • TOOH – Trip Out Of Hole
  • TOL – Top Of Liner
  • TORAN – Torque and Drag Analysis
  • TPERF – Tool Performance
  • TSI – Temporarily Shut In
  • TR – Temporary Refuge
  • TRA – Tracer Log
  • TRACL – Tractor Log
  • TRD – Total Report Data
  • TREAT – Treatment Report
  • TREP – Test Report
  • TRIP – Trip Condition Log
  • TRSV - Tubing Retrievable Safety Valve
  • TRSCSSV - Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve
  • TRSCSSSV - Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve
  • TT – Transit Time Log
  • TTRD – Through Tubing Rotary Drilling
  • TV/BIP – Ratio of Total Volume (ore and overburden) to Bitumen In Place
  • TVBDF – True Vertical Depth Below Derrick Floor
  • TVD – True Vertical Depth
  • TVDPB – True Vertical Depth Playback Log
  • TVDSS – True Vertical Depth Sub Sea
  • TVELD – Time and Velocity to Depth
  • TVRF – True Vertical Depth versus Repeat Formation Tester
  • TWT – Two-Way Time (seismic)
  • TWTTL – Two-Way Travel Time Log



  • VDENL – Variation Density Log
  • VDL – VDL Log
  • VDU – Vacuum Distillation Unit, used in processing bitumen
  • VELL – Velocity Log
  • VERAN – Verticality Analysis
  • VERIF – Verification List
  • VERLI – Verification Listing
  • VERTK – Vertical Thickness
  • VIR – Value Investment Ratio
  • VISME – Viscosity Measurement
  • VIV – Vortex induced Vibration
  • VLP – Vertical Lift Performance
  • VO – Variation Order
  • VOR – Variation Order Request
  • VRR – Voidage Replacement Ratio
  • VSP – Vertical Seismic Profile
  • VSPRO – Vertical Seismic Profile
  • VTDLL – Vertical Thickness Dual Laterolog
  • VTFDC – Vertical Thickness FDC CNL Log
  • VTISF – Vertical Thickness ISF Log
  • VWL – Velocity Well Log


  • WABAN – Well Abandonment Report
  • WAG – Water Alternating Gas (describes an injection well which alternates between water and gas injection)
  • WALKS – Walkaway Seismic Profile
  • WATAN – Water Analysis
  • WAVF – Waveform Log
  • WBM – Water-Based Mud
  • WC – Watercut
  • WE – Well Engineer
  • WEG - Wireline Entry Guide
  • WELDA – Well Data Report
  • WELP – Well Log Plot
  • WEQL – Well Equipment Layout
  • WESTR – Well Status Record
  • WESUR – Well Summary Report
  • WFAC – Waveform Acoustic Log
  • WGEO – Well Geophone Report
  • WGFM – Wet Gas Flow Meter
  • WGUNT – Water Gun Test
  • WH – Well History
  • WHIG – Whitehouse Gauge
  • WHP – Wellhead Pressure
  • WI – Water Injection
  • WI – Working Interest
  • WIPSP – WIP Stock Packer
  • WLC – Wireline Composite Log
  • WLL - Wireline Logging
  • WLSUM – Well Summary
  • WHM – Wellhead Maintenance
  • WHP – Wellhead Pressure
  • WOB – Weight On Bit
  • WOC – Wait on Cement
  • WOE – Well Operations Engineer (a key person of Well services)
  • WOM – Wait on Material
  • WORKO – Workover
  • WOS – West of Shetland, oil province on the UKCS
  • WOW – Wait On Weather
  • WP – Well Proposal or Working Pressure
  • WPLAN – Well Course Plan
  • WPQ – Weld Procedure Qualification
  • WPR – Well Prognosis Report
  • WRS – Well Report Sepia
  • WRSCSSV - Wireline Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve
  • WSCL – Well Site Core Log
  • WSE – Well Seismic Edit
  • WSERE – Well Seismic Edit Report
  • WSHT – Well Shoot
  • WSL – Well Site Log
  • WSP – Well Seismic Profile
  • WSR – Well Shoot Report
  • WSS – Well Services Supervisor (leader of Well services at the wellsite)
  • WSSAM – Well Site Sample
  • WSSOF – WSS Offset Profile
  • WSSUR – Well Seismic Survey Plot
  • WSSVP – WSS VSP Raw Shots
  • WSSVS – WSS VSP Stacks
  • WSTL – Well Site Test Log
  • WT – Well Test
  • WTI - West Texas Intermediate benchmark crude
  • WUT – Water Up To
  • WVS – Well Velocity Survey


  • XL – or EXL, Exploration Licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued between the First Onshore Licensing Round (1986) and the Sixth (1992)
  • XMT – or XT, XMas Tree (Christmas Tree, the valve assembly on a production well-head)
  • XO – Cross-Over


  • yl – Holdup Factor
  • YP – Yield Point


  • Z – Depth, in the geosciences referring to the depth dimension in any x,y,z data.

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